three red golf carts parked in a parking lot

Golf Cart Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts for a Smooth Ride

Golf carts are a fantastic way to navigate beach towns, golf courses, and other scenic areas. However, as with any mode of transportation, there are certain etiquettes to follow to ensure a safe and pleasant experience for everyone. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the do’s and don’ts of golf cart etiquette.

Do: Follow the Rules of the Road

Just like driving a car, it’s essential to follow the local traffic laws when operating a golf cart. This includes adhering to speed limits, stopping at stop signs, and using turn signals. Remember, golf carts are typically allowed on roads with speed limits of 35 mph or less. Always drive on the right side of the road and yield to pedestrians.

Don’t: Overload the Cart

Every golf cart has a maximum passenger capacity. Overloading the cart not only makes it harder to control but also puts everyone at risk. Stick to the recommended number of passengers, and ensure everyone is seated properly with seat belts fastened, if available.

Golf Cart Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts for a Smooth Ride

Do: Drive Responsibly

Safe driving is crucial for a smooth ride. Avoid sharp turns, sudden stops, and reckless driving. Golf carts can tip over if handled improperly, so take turns slowly and accelerate gradually. Always stay alert and watch out for other vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles.

Don’t: Drive Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal and extremely dangerous, regardless of the vehicle. This rule applies to golf carts as well. Stay sober and focused while driving to ensure the safety of all passengers and those around you.

Do: Respect Private Property

When driving a golf cart in residential or beach areas, be mindful of private property. Stick to designated paths and roads, and avoid driving on lawns, gardens, or other private spaces. Respecting property boundaries helps maintain good relationships with the community.

Don’t: Use Mobile Devices While Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents, and this includes using mobile devices while operating a golf cart. If you need to make a call or send a message, pull over safely before using your phone. Keeping your attention on the road ensures a safer ride for everyone.

Do: Park Considerately

When parking your golf cart, be mindful of others. Park in designated areas and avoid blocking pathways, driveways, or access points. Ensure your cart is parked securely with the parking brake engaged and the ignition turned off.

Don’t: Ignore Weather Conditions

Weather can significantly impact the safety of your ride. Avoid driving in heavy rain, strong winds, or other adverse conditions that could impair visibility or control. If you’re caught in bad weather, find a safe place to wait it out until conditions improve.

Do: Be Courteous to Other Drivers and Pedestrians

Courtesy goes a long way in ensuring a pleasant experience for everyone. Yield to pedestrians, allow faster vehicles to pass, and use hand signals or turn signals to communicate your intentions. A friendly wave or nod can also help foster a positive atmosphere.

Don’t: Neglect Maintenance and Safety Checks

Before each ride, perform a quick safety check on your golf cart. Ensure the brakes are working, tires are properly inflated, and lights are functioning. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of the cart but also ensures a safe and smooth ride.


Following these do’s and don’ts of golf cart etiquette can make your experience enjoyable and safe. By adhering to traffic laws, driving responsibly, and respecting others, you contribute to a harmonious environment for all. Whether you’re exploring a beach town or navigating a golf course, proper golf cart etiquette ensures a smooth ride for everyone.